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Transition from waste utilisation to waste prevention requires a new approach to policymaking

2025-03-19 at 8:56 O. Sahimaa, S. Sepponen and J. Virtanen, Sweco
According to the waste hierarchy, the primary focus should be on preventing waste generation and promoting reuse, and if that is not possible, efforts should be made to recycle or recover energy from materials.
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2025-02-17 at 12:58 Amirsohrab Falsafi, LUT University
2021-02-19 at 0:00 Hannele Tiitto
2021-02-03 at 0:00 Kati Pitkänen, Jaana Kolehmainen and Alli Sirén
2020-10-21 at 8:26 Aino Heikura
2020-09-11 at 11:49 Milla Popova and Hannamaria Yliruusi
2020-08-03 at 11:56 Kati Pitkänen and Jaana Kolehmainen
2020-06-29 at 15:42 Tiina Karppinen and Kati Pitkänen
2020-05-25 at 15:47 Aino Heikura
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